5 tips to help you navigate your retirement savings in 2024
The global economic outlook is uncertain. While some major markets are optimistic (possibly overly so), predicting inflation control, lower interest rates, and stable corporate earnings, others are more cautious. Here in Aotearoa New Zealand, persistent domestic inflation including council rates and energy costs, remains a concern. There are doubts about how quickly interest rates will fall, and questions around the stability of corporate earnings. Recent weak growth statistics and geopolitical uncertainties, such as Middle East conflicts, US-China tensions, and the upcoming US election, also contribute to market volatility. In light of these uncertainties, we believe that focusing on effective retirement saving is more important than ever.
Here are five tips to help you navigate your savings strategy during these challenging economic times:
Everyone should have a separate savings account specifically for emergencies. Economic hardships can increase the impact of unexpected expenses, making it vital to have a financial safety net. Setting up a regular automatic payment from your main account to an emergency fund can ensure consistent savings. Even small amounts add up over time.
Consider using an account that discourages withdrawals, through fees or reduced interest when money is withdrawn, which can help you resist the temptation to dip into your savings except in real emergencies.
There are even call account and other deposit account options in a Christian savings environment, at Christian Savings.
Despite economic pressures, it’s essential to stay disciplined with your KiwiSaver contributions. Your future self will thank you! The power of compound interest means that your savings can grow significantly over time, making early and consistent contributions very helpful.
The Sorted website gives an example where if you invest $2000 annually into a fund that invests mainly in shares and that averages 5.5% returns annually (after fees and tax), starting at age 18, you could see your investment grow to approximately $362,562 by age 65. However, starting later reduces the benefits of compounding. Even if you start at age 42, your savings will grow, but to a lesser extent. To learn more about the power of compound interest, see the Sorted article here.
The key is time, so keep up your contributions regardless of your age. Remember Proverbs 13:11, … whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.
Before ever considering reducing your KiwiSaver contributions, we recommend you evaluate your discretionary spending. Identifying and cutting back on non-essential costs can help you maintain your retirement savings without compromising your future financial security. Let the power of compound interest work for you by prioritising your KiwiSaver contributions over and above less critical spending.
Automation can be a powerful tool in ensuring consistent saving habits. Setting up automatic transfers to your emergency account, and, when you can, automating regular additional contributions to your KiwiSaver, can help you stay on track without having to think about it every payday. This method can also help you avoid the temptation to spend money that should be saved.
We even found a Scripture that is applicable to regular, automated savings, in Proverbs 6:7-8, The ant has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.
Staying informed about economic conditions and seeking guidance can help you to make sound investment decisions. To ensure that your KiwiSaver fund matches your unique financial situation, it’s important to periodically review your fund to make sure it fits your risk tolerance, investment timeline, and ethical principles. The Christian KiwiSaver Scheme website can direct you to resources to help you work out your risk profile and therefore whether you are in the right fund for you. The Christian KiwiSaver Scheme can support you in aligning your Christian values with your investment goals.
In 2024, staying focused on your retirement savings is more important than ever. By taking these steps, you can navigate economic challenges and save for a comfortable retirement while staying true to your faith.
You can read more about the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme and our Ethical Investment Policy here: https://christiankiwisaver.nz/ethical-investing/