Ethical investing
Investing with your values – we call it being Ethical at Heart
What is at the heart of our KiwiSaver scheme?
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it (Psalm 24:1)
The Church’s mission is expressed positively (how we share in the good that God is doing), rather than negatively (how we avoid evil). Our investment activity similarly expresses the ways in which we are participating in the good that God is doing in the world.
We will always be aware of the presence of evil in the world, and be willing to forgo investment opportunities that lack a redemptive purpose. But we are not defined by what we reject.
In practice, we start from a list of industry sectors which we consider are in essence contrary to universal Christian values. These include alcohol, animal welfare (cruelty), armaments and defence, fossil fuels, gambling, pornography and tobacco. While we start from a position of excluding stocks in these sectors, we also consider responsible investment research to determine whether the inclusion of any of these stocks might be justified. Our relationship with the UK based Church Investors Group is helpful in this respect.
Our Ethical Investment Policy is not static, we regularly review the policy as we recognise that the world around us is constantly changing.
With Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, you can be sure that your money will be invested in line with Christian values. We call it being Ethical at Heart.

We take an active management approach to your investment
Being an active manager means our in-house investment team take a hands-on approach with your investment and can apply our Ethical Investment Policy with integrity. They can also look closely at individual investment opportunities and make informed decisions about risk and return.

What do our members say?
More and more New Zealand Christians are wanting to align their investments with their values…
Being an advocate for Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is easy. I’ve always wanted to put my money where my mouth was and to walk the talk, not just saying the world needs to change – but being a part of the change. My choice to recently join this KiwiSaver scheme was driven by the desire to consciously ensure that my funds would not be used for anything that would contradict my values. The thought that my savings could have otherwise been involved in unethical investments was really scary. Knowing that my KiwiSaver scheme is based on values that align with mine gives me peace of mind and spirit.
As our life is a faith journey, so too is our future. Working with Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, we have found a way to put a little towards retirement, and have been blessed to see that investment grow.
How can you make the most of KiwiSaver?
Investing for Christians
The Christian tradition recognises that investment choices are made in a world marred by human failure and its consequences. And yet we have a God who is active in restoring the world and a Church which seeks goodness and human flourishing.
When applied to our work, this means that we recognise the order of New Zealand society, including a legal requirement to act in your best financial interests. We expect that participating in the economic life of our nation and the world in a way that is informed by Christian ethics will be fruitful.
Some investment opportunities will be so marked by evil or its consequences that we will not invest, even if the potential financial reward is high. However, many other investment opportunities are ethically mixed.
It is no accident that the Church’s mission is expressed positively (how we share in the good that God is doing), rather than negatively (how we avoid evil). Our investment activity similarly expresses the ways in which we are participating in the good God is doing in the world. Theologically, our bias is towards optimism about the restoration of the world, not withdrawal from the world.

Discover more about our funds!
Growth Fund
This Fund invests mainly in shares (equities) and other growth-orientated assets, with small exposures to fixed interest securities and cash. Its benchmark asset mix is 75% growth assets and 25% income assets.
Balanced Fund
This Fund has moderate exposures both to cash and fixed interest securities, shares (equities) and other growth-orientated assets. Its benchmark asset mix is 50% growth assets and 50% income assets.
Join other New Zealand Christians investing ethically
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