Christian KiwiSaver Scheme Funds
Which Fund is right for you?
Often, the more options you have, the harder the choice. So we’ve given our members three Funds to choose from.
With over 200 investments across our Funds made up of local and global assets, our Funds are diversified and working hard for your investment goal. We aim to deliver the best returns we can, without compromising our ethical investment stance.
Growth Fund
This Fund invests mainly in shares (equities) and other growth-orientated assets, with small exposures to fixed interest securities and cash. Its benchmark asset mix is 75% growth assets and 25% income assets.
Balanced Fund
This Fund has moderate exposures both to cash and fixed interest securities, shares (equities) and other growth-orientated assets. Its benchmark asset mix is 50% growth assets and 50% income assets.
Which fund is right for you?
Choosing what fund to be in is an important decision. Understanding your risk appetite will help in making this decision.
Being in the investment fund that best suits you is very important. Not knowing can cost you money if you make decisions that are a reaction to investment markets (e.g. a negative return) rather than a change in your personal circumstances or your feelings about risk.
If you are unsure what your risk appetite is, check out the Investor Profiler tool
Investment Style
Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again. Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land – Ecclesiastes 11:1-2
Each Fund’s risk profile sets out the types and proportions of asset classes we will invest in. From time to time, negative returns will be unavoidable. However, our focus is always on protecting the hard earned money you have invested with us.
We recognise that sticking with our tried and tested asset class allocations is a good strategy for seeking returns over the long run. However, we take an active approach to managing our investments. This means we try to add value by choosing when to buy or sell a particular investment.
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures – Proverbs 24:3-4
And, importantly, we do much of our investment activity ourselves (rather than using other fund managers) which helps us to apply our Ethical Investment Policy with confidence.
Why Join Or Switch?
The Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is the only dedicated KiwiSaver provider that is designed to align with universal Christian values that are activated through our Ethical Investment Policy.
We are an active investment manager which mean we do much of our investing in house so we know exactly what we are investing in.

Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is run by Christians for Christians. Our Scheme is built on universally accepted Christian values.

Ethical Investing
All our Funds are invested under our Ethical Investment Policy, a policy that is continually evolving as our world changes.

We are an active investment manager, aiming to provide returns that exceed market benchmarks to generate long-term wealth.
You can join the Scheme in a few steps

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