Blessing of Anglican House

A New Chapter for Anglican House: A Fresh Coat and a Special Blessing

Anglican House, a Wellington landmark since its construction around 1880, originally served as the residence for the Bishop. Nestled beside Old St Paul’s, which once served as the Anglican Cathedral, the building now functions as the headquarters for The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board (Anglican Financial Care) and accommodates several other tenants. The history of this heritage building is rich, with stories that echo the growth and evolution of the Anglican Church in New Zealand.

A Historical Treasure

Anglican House has been part of the Anglican Church’s recent legacy since 1988, when The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board, alongside the Anglican Missions Board, jointly purchased the building. By 1993, AFC had moved into the top floor, which it still occupies today. Over the years, this property has provided not just a home for AFC staff but also a source of income through various tenancies, all while maintaining its status as a cost-efficient “office” premises and historically significant site.

A Long-Overdue Restoration

The latest chapter in the building’s story began in late December 2023 when a much-needed repainting project was initiated. The job was anything but straightforward. Given Anglican House’s status as a heritage building, the repainting required careful attention to detail, starting with sanding the structure back to its bare wood. Necessary repairs were made to ensure the building’s external integrity before it was finally repainted in traditional heritage colours, a requirement for maintaining its historic designation.

The process, which concluded in March 2024, was not without its challenges. Staff working on-site had to endure the noise, dust, and vibrations from the sanding and repairs, with windows closed during the height of summer. However, when the scaffolding finally came down, the building stood proudly in its new ‘coat,’ making all the discomfort worth it.

Anglican House with its new coat of paint.

A Blessing for a New Beginning

To mark the completion of the restoration, a special ceremony was held on May 2, 2024, during the first in-person Board meeting after the work was finished. With three Anglican clergy on the Board, it was a fitting occasion to bless the building. What made the ceremony truly special was the use of water from the Jordan River, the same river where Jesus Christ was baptized. One of the Board Members had recently returned from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, bringing back a flask of this very special water. Incorporating it into the blessing ceremony added a profound spiritual dimension to the event, connecting the history of Anglican House with the very roots of the Christian faith.

Rev’d Lawrence Kimberley, Rev’d Isaac Beach, Ven Carole Hughes, CEO Margaret Bearsley.

Looking to the Future

As we continue our mission from our beautifully restored home, we are reminded of the importance of preserving our heritage while also embracing the future. Anglican House is more than just a building; it is a testament to the enduring legacy of the Anglican Church in New Zealand. We are proud to be part of its story and look forward to the chapters yet to be written.

For those interested in exploring the history of Anglican House further you can find more information on the Wellington City Council website here.