Christian KiwiSaver Scheme
Investment returns to 31 December 2018
The December quarter saw a sharp drop in the value of shares which resulted in negative performances for the Growth and Balanced Funds. Strong performances in earlier times, however, ensured that returns remained positive in periods greater than 1 year. While our...
Ethically growing your investment
As Christian KiwiSaver Scheme members we are a group of “ethically-minded Christians” who believe in the value of sound stewardship and in investing in assets that reflect Christian values. That could sound rather boring and dull. However, one of...
What type of investor are you?
Being in the investment fund that best suits you is very important. Not knowing can cost you money if you make decisions that are a reaction to investment markets (e.g. a negative return) rather than a change in your personal circumstances or your feelings about...
Christmas message
Greetings and peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. At the end of another busy year, it is my pleasure and delight to wish you all a holy and blessed Christmas. This is a holy time in the Church’s year when we pause to celebrate the birth of Jesus over 2000...
No fees for members under age 18
We are helping those under 18 get a start with their longer-term savings. We’re introducing a change from 1 January 2019 where Christian KiwiSaver Scheme members under age 18 will not have fees deducted from the quarterly investment earnings allocated to their...
Investment returns to 30 September 2018
September was another bumper quarter for investment returns. Equity markets continued to soar with the NZ and global share portfolios returning 7.4% and 7.3% respectively for the quarter. The performance of the lower risk bond portfolios was more mixed...
Time – the asset money can’t buy
When it comes to investing young people have a huge advantage: TIME. Time - you can never get it back. It’s the asset money can’t buy. The sooner savings begin, the sooner compound interest can start and its ‘magic’ needs time. Being in KiwiSaver gives a practical...
Changes to KiwiSaver – what do they mean for you?
The Government has made some changes to KiwiSaver that include: Introducing more contribution rate options for employees (from 1 April 2019) Reducing the maximum period for ‘contribution holidays’ (from 1 April 2019) Allowing people over 65 to join (from 1 July...
Getting back into a savings habit is good for you
In a recent NZ Herald article Retirement Commissioner Diane Maxwell said "I was terrible with money, I didn't think I was going to live to grow old." She went on to say "I look back and I could weep over all the money I've wasted." How many times have you said...
KiwiSaver gives the self-employed great options
If you’re self-employed then KiwiSaver provides a handy and cost-effective option to save for retirement. If you know someone who is self-employed then tell them, your friends and your family about Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, a KiwiSaver scheme for Christians that...
Investment returns to 30 June 2018
Another positive quarter ensured that solid returns were reported for each of the funds in the quarter ended 30 June 2018. The benefits of diversification were evident with lower returns on bonds being more than offset by exceptional returns for shares. Christian...
Ethical at heart
Welcome to the first edition of the quarterly newsletter under the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme banner. As you know, in March we relaunched our KiwiSaver scheme with a new name. Underneath the new name, there are three simple words: ethical at heart. We...