Retirement – The benefits of KiwiSaver don’t have to stop when you turn 65
Life does not stop when you reach retirement. You can continue to let your KiwiSaver work for you across your retirement and withdraw as needed so you still have access to the benefits KiwiSaver can bring.
Options at retirement
Life doesn’t stop when we reach age 65. In fact, all those years you have saved give you choices at or after age 65 for your KiwiSaver savings. For many, it is hard to predict how long we will need our savings to continue to work for us. The good news is you don’t have to make a quick decision – there are many choices.
You choose the best option based on your lifestyle, your savings, and the best way to maximise your savings for the future.
Here are a few ways our current members manage their KiwiSaver savings at retirement:

1. Keep your savings in your KiwiSaver account
If you don’t need your savings straight away, you can keep it where it is and we’ll continue to manage it for you exactly as we do now. You’ll no longer be eligible for the Government contribution and your employer can also choose to stop making contributions.

2. Make lump sum withdrawals at any time
Keep your savings working in your KiwiSaver account with the comfort of knowing you can access your savings at any time to help with one-off expenses etc.

3. Setup a regular withdrawal
This is a convenient way to manage your savings and supplement your pension or any other retirement income sources.

4. Withdraw all of your savings
You can choose to withdraw all of your savings in one go. If you do this, your KiwiSaver account will be closed.
Why keep your money in KiwiSaver once you retire?
A Christian KiwiSaver Scheme account provides an easy, transparent and cost-effective way to continue to invest your money ethically in retirement. This means your retirement assets are diversified rather than simply being in the bank. You also have the option to continue to contribute into your KiwiSaver investment. It can also act as a “one-stop shop” allowing you to consolidate other investments.
Entering retirement is an ideal time to revisit your investment strategy so that your money is invested consistent with your risk profile and investment goals. Don’t forget you are able to change your investment strategy at any time.
And of course, you will still be able to rely on the friendly and helpful assistance from the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme member services team to continue managing your account into retirement.

Are you already a member?
If you are already a member and would like to discuss one of the above options further. You can get in contact with one of our team.
Did you know?
Even if you weren’t a member of Christian KiwiSaver Scheme before you retired, you can still join our Scheme and invest ethically and alongside your Christian values. You can sign up through our online application or by filling out an application form at the back of our Product Disclosure Statement and posting this to us.
You can join the Scheme in a few steps

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