Steadfast and Ethical

Why Retirees Trust the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme

Proverbs 16:31
Grey hair is a crown of splendour; it is attained in the way of righteousness.

Align your retirement with your faith.

Welcome to the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, the KiwiSaver Scheme for New Zealand’s Christian community. Shaped by our Christian values, we provide actively managed funds to suit a range of investor requirements. We place a high priority on diversification and capital preservation, and our investment approach is intentional in aligning with God’s good purposes for creation. When you invest with us, you can be confident that you are saving towards a legacy that reflects your faith.

Key 1

The ethical path to retirement.

Our investment strategy is shaped by our Ethical Investment Policy, and aims for superior investment performance while managing risk and endeavouring to avoid losses. As you plan for your retirement, we ensure your investments are handled responsibly, always reflecting Christian principles.

Key 2

Strengthening our community together.

We are committed to helping you achieve your financial goals while positively impacting Aotearoa’s Christian community. Join a network of believers, breaking down denominational divides and saving together in alignment with God’s restorative work.
key 3

Actively managing your investments for stability.

Since 2007, we have delivered careful investment stewardship for our Christian KiwiSaver Scheme members. Our actively managed funds are designed to help you achieve your retirement goals as we manage your savings with Christian values in mind.
Key 4

An expression of our Christian faith.

As Christians we seek to reflect our faith in all areas of life. Your financial decisions in retirement are an expression of your devotion to God. Investing in an ethical Christian KiwiSaver Scheme reaffirms your commitment to Christian principles through your financial life.

Our funds blend ethical investing with your spiritual values, offering a meaningful way to manage your retirement savings.

Growth Fund

This fund invests mainly in shares (equities) and other growth-orientated assets, with small exposures to fixed interest securities and cash. Its benchmark asset mix is 75% growth assets and 25% income assets.

Balanced Fund

Balanced Fund
This fund has moderate exposures to both cash and fixed interest securities, shares (equities) and other growth-orientated assets. Its benchmark asset mix is 50% growth assets and 50 % income assets.

Income Fund

Balanced Fund
This fund invests only in cash and fixed interest (includes mortgages). It does not invest in shares (equities) or other growth-orientated assets. Its benchmark asset mix is 100% income assets.

Which fund is right for you?

Choosing which fund to join is an important decision. Understanding your ‘risk appetite’ is vital; the level of risk you are willing to take will vary depending on many factors, including your financial goals. If you are unsure what your risk appetite is, check out the Investor Profiler tool.

Community voice

Our members enjoy many benefits of investing in the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme. Read their inspiring stories of faith, meaningful investment, and the joy of making a real difference.

Being an advocate for Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is easy. I’ve always wanted to put my money where my mouth was and to walk the talk, not just saying the world needs to change – but being a part of the change.

Your service is outstanding, especially in the financial services area. We are so blessed to be in your care.


We appreciate the good work you are all doing at Anglican finance Care.

Murray & Beryl

Just wanted to say thank you to your team for all the hard work you put in and for your conscientious and ethical stewardship of the funds you manage. It is appreciated.

Debbie and Stephen

Without your helpfulness, empathy and professionalism I don’t know what would’ve happened to me especially in a time when I was most vulnerable with my financial struggle you were always very helpful and put my worries at ease with my application!


Join a growing community of believers who trust us to manage their investments responsibly, ethically and with risk and return in mind.

Apply for the fund of your choice by clicking the button below.
For assistance, get in touch with our member services team. They are here to help.

The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board trading as Anglican Financial Care is the Manager and Issuer of the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme. The Product Disclosure Statement for the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is available under the Documents tab on our website