I acknowledge that choosing an investment fund (or funds) is solely my responsibility, that the manager is not to be regarded as representing or implying that any particular
fund (or funds) is (or are) appropriate for my personal circumstances, and that my choice of an investment fund (or funds) is a binding direction from me to the manager.
I consent to receive electronic communications from the Scheme. I understand that statements and other communication materials will be sent by email, unless I request
they be sent by post. If no email address is supplied, I understand statements and other communication materials will be sent to my postal address.
I confirm I am authorised to provide the personal details presented and I consent to Anglican Financial Care using the personal information that I have provided to
electronically verify my identity, my address and whether I am a politically exposed person, by using Verifi Identity Services Limited, and where necessary disclosing the information
to external and independent agencies for the purpose of matching my information with identification information held in third party databases including but not limited to the
Department of Internal Affairs, the New Zealand Transport Authority, White Pages, Land Information New Zealand, Centrix and Dow Jones Watchlist.
I understand that my personal information will be collected and held by the manager and used to administer my Scheme membership. I consent to that information being disclosed
to other persons, including any government authority, to comply with applicable laws and (if relevant) to information about my Scheme membership being disclosed to any third party
through whom I was referred to the Scheme. I acknowledge that I can access or correct my personal information by contacting the manager.