Christian KiwiSaver Scheme


Investing with Christian values
Investing with Christian values
Investing with Christian values

Investing with Christian values We invest your savings in the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, and all the other funds we manage, under our Ethical Investment Policy, a policy based on our Christian values. We call it being Ethical at Heart.We recently looked at what...

Fees reduced
Fees reduced
Fees reduced

Fees reduced We’ve reduced the fees members are charged with these reductions taking effect from 30 September 2020. As we continue to grow we are able to share the benefits of that growth with our members. This recent reduction will have a positive impact on the...

Responsible investing
Responsible investing
Responsible investing

What is responsible investing? What is responsible investing and is it just another piece of jargon that is difficult to understand and bears no relation to our day to day life? At Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, we believe that responsible investing is an important...

Some more KiwiSaver jargon
Some more KiwiSaver jargon
Some more KiwiSaver jargon

This is the third article on KiwiSaver related jargon used by the media and others. We try to use plain English but every now and again a bit of jargon is inevitable in our communications with you. Over the coming months, you are also going to be receiving a range...

Future of Fossil Fuels
Future of fossil fuels
Future of fossil fuels

Managing an ethical investment portfolio requires constant care, awareness and analysis. A sector that has particular significance currently is energy. We strongly believe in a lower carbon future and that society needs to transition away from fossil fuels as...

Some more KiwiSaver jargon
Some more KiwiSaver jargon
Some more KiwiSaver jargon

There’s a lot of jargon used by the media and others when it comes to KiwiSaver and we started explaining some of this in our October 2019 issue. We try to use plain English but every now and again a bit of jargon is inevitable in our communications with you....