Christian KiwiSaver Scheme
Care and compassion in action: Christian KiwiSaver Scheme partners with Debtfix
In a significant step towards supporting the financial well-being of our members, Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is proud to announce its partnership with Debtfix - an organisation dedicated to reducing debt here in New Zealand. Debtfix offers managed processes that...
Get your free retirement planning guide
Have you started thinking about your retirement plan? If you are reading this, congratulations! You might be taking your first small steps to consider what retirement might look like. No matter how far away retirement may feel, getting started is always...
Investment Returns at 31 March 2023
This latest quarter saw better returns than last year when interest rates rose (both bond and shares prices fell). The first quarter of this year began with positive sentiment on the growth outlook as energy costs fell and China’s economy reopened.
Get your government contribution
Each year, the government offers an incentive (called a government contribution) towards your KiwiSaver account. This contribution is a small step that could help you get closer to your KiwiSaver goals. So, how can you get the maximum government contribution for...
Helping you reach your investment goals
When joining KiwiSaver, one of the most important decisions you'll need to make is choosing which fund to invest your KiwiSaver money in. Christian KiwiSaver Scheme has three Funds you can invest in, being Growth, Balanced, and Income. Each of our Funds has...
Kick-starting your children’s finances
As a voluntary retirement savings scheme, we do not often think about KiwiSaver in relation to our children. However, did you know that you can start a KiwiSaver account for your children? As a parent or guardian, we always want to make sure we are looking after...
Investment Outlook for 2023
The same main themes that applied in 2022 will again dominate in 2023. Those key themes revolve around the outlook for inflation, interest rates and growth. These are common every year but are particularly of concern at present. Central banks have reversed their...
Your KiwiSaver checkup
Just like getting a Warrant of Fitness for your car, we think it is essential to regularly check your KiwiSaver Scheme to ensure it is still set up the way you expect. So, we’ve put together a few tips to help ensure sure your KiwiSaver is the best it can be. We...
AML requirements update
We continue updating our customer records for Anti Money Laundering (AML) purposes We want to say a big thank you to those customers who we have contacted and who have returned their completed consent form for electronic identity verification purposes, so that we...
Christmas message 2022
Dear friends, It is a pleasure to bring greetings to all who are members of Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, the Anglican Church’s clergy Pension Fund, members of the Retire Fund, and all our friends and supporters. In this great festival of Christmas, Christian people...
Investment Returns at 30 September 2022
Share markets were generally flat over the quarter. The fall in international share markets was offset by a fall in the New Zealand dollar. The New Zealand dollar fell as investors became concerned about the local growth outlook and that interest rates on offer may be better later overseas.
What is happening with KiwiSaver?
There has been a lot of movement in the market recently which may be worrying KiwiSaver scheme members around the country. While KiwiSaver is a long-term retirement investment, you will have seen that annual performance is down. So, what do you need to know about...