Christian KiwiSaver Scheme


Your KiwiSaver Check Up
Your KiwiSaver Check Up
Your KiwiSaver Check Up

Just like you get a Warrant of Fitness for your car, it's important to regularly check your KiwiSaver Scheme to make sure it’s still set up the way you want. Here are some easy tips to make sure your KiwiSaver is in top shape. We recommend doing this once a year,...

Partnering with AMLHUB
Partnering with AMLHUB
Partnering with AMLHUB

Complying with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) rules is essential for many businesses, including banks, law firms, real estate agents, and KiwiSaver providers. Besides verifying a new client’s identity and address, ongoing checks are required for existing clients too....

Your KiwiSaver Check Up
Get Your Government Money
Get Your Government Money

Each year, the government offers a bonus (called a government contribution) to help boost your KiwiSaver account. This is a great way to get closer to your KiwiSaver goals. Here’s how you can get the maximum government contribution for KiwiSaver. What is the...