The KiwiSaver Scheme for Christians
Read the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme Product Disclosure Statement here
New Zealand Anglican Pension Board trading as Anglican Financial Care is the issuer.
For you and our whole Christian community
Our Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is for people within New Zealand’s Christian community and is open to all Christian denominations. The Scheme is built on Christian values which underpin an ethical investment policy that defines how we invest.
What is at the heart of our KiwiSaver scheme?
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it (Psalm 24:1)
The Church’s mission is expressed positively (how we share in the good that God is doing), rather than negatively (how we avoid evil). Our investment activity similarly expresses the ways in which we are participating in the good that God is doing in the world.
We will always be aware of the presence of evil in the world, and be willing to forgo investment opportunities that lack a redemptive purpose. But we are not defined by what we reject.
In practice, we start from a list of industry sectors which we consider are in essence contrary to universal Christian values. These include alcohol, animal welfare (cruelty), armaments and defence, fossil fuels, gambling, pornography and tobacco. While we start from a position of excluding stocks in these sectors, we also consider responsible investment research to determine whether the inclusion of any of these stocks might be justified. Our relationship with the UK based Church Investors Group is helpful in this respect.
Our Ethical Investment Policy is not static, we regularly review the policy as we recognise that the world around us is constantly changing.
With Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, you can be sure that your money will be invested in line with Christian values. We call it being Ethical at Heart.

Here at Christian KiwiSaver Scheme, we’re about delivering member returns but we believe that how a return is made is important too.
Our Scheme is built on universally accepted Christian values which underpin our ethical investment policy and shape how we manage your money.
Under the policy, we are positive investors, informed first by a desire to support and encourage what is good in God’s eyes. We recognise that economic activity will always involve participation in the broken structures and activities of humans in the world. However, we will be willing to forgo investment opportunities that lack a redemptive purpose.
All our funds are invested under our ethical investment policy, a policy that is continually evolving as our world changes.
KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings regime, established in 2007, which involves both employer and Government contributions. It is designed (with limited exceptions) for retirement savings.
KiwiSaver enables you to save from your current wage to give you a better income when you retire. It also enables you to save towards a first home purchase.
The Christian KiwiSaver Scheme offers three investment funds – a Growth Fund, a Balanced Fund and an Income Fund.
You can invest your savings in any one fund or a combination of all or any two of the three funds. The Balanced Fund is the default fund. If you were auto-enrolled or joined through an opt-in and you do not select a fund then your savings will be invested in the Balanced Fund.
You can change your fund selection at any time.
Our Scheme invests in a large range of unique assets from investing locally in Aotearoa where we own part of a forest in Hawkes Bay which serves as a carbon sink, through to global investing where we have a significant private equity holding with a firm who is a signatory to the United Nations – supported Principles for Responsible Investments.
Discover more about the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme
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Ready to join or transfer?
Join other like-minded Kiwi Christians growing their savings ethically today!
It only takes a couple of minutes to join or transfer with our online application form. To join online you will need to have:
- Your IRD number
- Your email address
- Your NZ Passport or NZ Driver Licence
- Your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR). This is the tax rate that will apply to your investment returns. A guide to calculate your PIR is available.
If you have children you want to register with our Scheme, you will need to fill out an application form at the back of our Product Disclosure Statement and mail this to us.
Eligibility to join KiwiSaver
To join the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme you need to be a person who is involved in a Christian faith community or employed by a Christian organisation. In addition, you must be a New Zealand citizen or entitled to live in New Zealand indefinitely and living or normally living in New Zealand.
Choosing a scheme
You can join a KiwiSaver scheme of your choice. If you are automatically enrolled or opt-in and don’t make a choice, you will be allocated to the scheme your employer has chosen for its employees (if any) or Inland Revenue will allocate you to a default scheme. If you want to join the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme you can apply directly to us or see if your employer has listed us as their chosen scheme.
Changing your scheme
You can choose to change to another KiwiSaver scheme at any time for any reason. You just need to complete the application form for the new scheme and the rest will be taken care of for you. You can only be in one KiwiSaver scheme at a time.
Some of the other benefits of joining the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme

Experienced fund managers focused on long term returns and active management

Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is run by Christians for Christians. Our Scheme is built on universally accepted Christian values

If you have any questions, our Wellington based specialist customer service team will personally answer your calls and emails

Secure online member’s portal that you can log in and keep track of your investment
Membership of the Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is offered only to:
- employees of organisations whose primary activities are in our opinion Christian mission or ministry. This includes employees of charitable entities associated with or operating in the Christian Church, or employees of entities which we approve as having a Christian special character; and
- persons who express a Christian faith and have a commitment to Christian community involvement when applying (and their immediate family members and dependants).
Christian KiwiSaver Scheme is managed and issued by The New Zealand Anglican Church Pension Board (trading as Anglican Financial Care). The Product Disclosure Statement and Fund Updates are available under Documents.